Gemeinsame Veranstaltung mit dem Italienischen Generalkonsulat: Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion von Dr. Gabriele De Canio von ESA-ESOC, Moderation Dr. Flavio Murolo (Italian Culture Club ESOC-EUMETSAT).
Bitte beachten Sie: Vortrag und Diskussion werden auf Englisch sein!
Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven its value in multiple applications, especially in those related to automation, in fields ranging from finance to healthcare, from automotive to space. The Directorate of Operations of the European Space Agency at the European Space Operations Centre has been pioneering the use of AI for space operations for years. In 2021, a large endeavor to consolidate possible use cases and define a clear strategic direction to ensure AI could be embraced at scale was done. It led to the creation of the Artificial Intelligence for space operations Automation (A2I) Roadmap. Implementing the A2I Roadmap entails the investigation and development of AI-based applications for, among the others, automating and supporting prognostics and diagnostics, planning and scheduling, reporting. These entail multiple types of AI to be used, such as generative AI. The talk will provide an overview on the opportunities and challenges of developing and deploying AI applications at ESA’s ESOC, learnt over the past three years.